10:11, 24/11/2005

Bai Dai - a beautiful beach

It is a new bathing beach much mentioned in recent time. Bai Dai beach belonging to Cam Ranh commune of Cam Hai Dong becomes animated. Since the long route linking the South of Song Lo...

It is a new bathing beach much mentioned in recent time. Bai Dai beach belonging to Cam Ranh commune of Cam Hai Dong becomes animated. Since the long route linking the South of Song Lo (Nha Trang) with Cam Ranh Airport was come into use (on April 30th, 2004), Bai Dai beach has become an attractive tourist site. As planned, in the future, Bai Dai will become a key tourist site in the South of Khanh Hoa with a total area of 200ha. The most beautiful resorts in the country will be set up here. However, it is in the too distant future. Now, you can enjoy the beach neglected, clean and extremely beautiful that fascinates a great number of tourists when setting their feet on this place.

It is 10 km far from Binh Tan Bridge and 12 km from Cam Ranh Airport to the South. At present, there are about 30 tents set up for trading to serve tourists. The majority of traders here are of Cam Hai Dong and Cam Hai Tay area. Everyday they stay here to do business. Tents with camp - beds supply tourists with a number of dishes such as fresh cuttle - fish, fresh crabs and assorted kinds of fish at a price lower than in Restaurant in Nha Trang City.

The beach is only 1 km in length from the foot of the mountain to the next channel. The sand - bank is extremely clean; The sea is very shallow, safe for tourists, even for those who can not swim. The enjoyable feelings when swimming in Bai Dai Sea are different from those in Nha Trang Sea because of the quiet beauty of the sea. You can hear waves lapping without being interrupted by the noise of vehicles. The most interesting thing is that fresh water is available for tourists without paying any money.

However, the journey to Bai Dai beach today is still a journey to explore. You can park your motors at a certain parking space and bring food with you to climb up to beautiful sand hills. On the beautiful sand hills is brush wood, making sand hills become green carpets. Arbutus is much planted here that makes the hills more attractive. Climbing up to the hills, sitting under the shadows of trees, you can enjoy a beautiful day to the full.