12:10, 30/10/2022

Strengthening friendship with Russian people

Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association celebrated its 15th foundation anniversary (October 9, 2007 - 2022) on October 22...

Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association celebrated its 15th foundation anniversary (October 9, 2007 - 2022) on October 22. For over 15 years, leaders and members of Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association have made constant effort to strengthen the relationship between residents in Khanh Hoa Province and Russian people.

Several meaningful activities

15 years ago, Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee issued a decision to establish Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association to strengthen the international friendship and cooperation between Khanh Hoa residents and Russian people. Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association has made effort to fulfill its duties. Currently, there are over 200 members, most of them studying and working in Russia.


1The leader of the National Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association presents certificates of merit to individulas on the occasion of 15th foundation anniversary of Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association.

According to Nguyen Thi Thu Thanh, Chairman of Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association, although Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association has been founded for 15 years, the foreign affairs relation between Khanh Hoa residents and Russian people has been promoted since 1978. Many experts who are Soviet Armed Forces soldiers have traveled to work at Air Force Officer Training School, Academy of Navy and military units quartered on Cam Ranh Peninsula. Nha Trang City Vietnam - Soviet Friendship Association Branch was founded in 1980 with many cultural and sporting exchange activities with Russian experts. In 1999, Khanh Hoa Union of Friendship Organizations established Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association. In spite of historical ups and downs, the relationship between Khanh Hoa residents and Russian people has remained stable and strengthened.

Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association has overcome difficulties and fulfilled its role as a friendship link between peoples of the 2 countries. Annually, the association celebrates Vietnamese and Russian holidays, lays wreaths at Vietnam - Russia Friendship Monument in Cam Ranh City; organizes exchange meetings and musical shows; opens Russian language courses for Vietnamese people; distributes Russian publications to members; welcomes visitors from Russia, etc.

Particularly, during the Covid-19 social distancing, Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association provided assistance totaling over VND100 million together with necessities for hundreds of Russian people in Khanh Hoa Province.

Friendship promoted

Over years, Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association has focused on the membership development, especially among students. The Association has mobilized the foundation of 2 branches at Vietnam Russia Tropical Centre and Nha Trang University. According to Le Trung Hung, Chairman of Khanh Hoa Union of Friendship Organizations, practical activities of Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association have contributed to the diplomatic relation, promoting the attraction of Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa.

Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association is one of outstanding organizations committed to strengthening friendship between people of Vietnam and Russia in general, residents in Khanh Hoa Province and Russian people in particular. Over 15 years of the friendship between residents in Khanh Hoa Province and Russian people, Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association has received several national and local certificates of merit, proving  authorities’ recognition for the contribution and Khanh Hoa residents and Russian people’s trust in Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association, according to Pham Thu, Vice-Chairman of Vietnam – Russia Friendship Association.

Translated by N.T