11:04, 10/04/2014

Khanh Hoa Province commemorates Hung Kings' Death Anniversary

To commemorate Hung Kings' death anniversary, on April 9 (10th day of the third lunar month), Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee solemnly organized an incense-offering ceremony at Hung Kings' Temple (173 Ngo Gia Tu, Nha Trang City)...

To commemorate Hung Kings' Death Anniversary, on April 9 (10th day of the third lunar month), Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Committee solemnly organized an incense-offering ceremony at Hung Kings’ Temple (173 Ngo Gia Tu, Nha Trang City).
Attending the ceremony were Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Tan Tuan, Deputy Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Le Xuan Than and leaders of Nha Trang City and provincial departments.


Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Tan Tuan (left) pays tribute to Hung Kings.


 Deputy Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Le Xuan Than burning incense to open ceremony.
The ceremony was held with many traditional rituals.
Leaders of Khanh Hoa Province, Nha Trang City and many delegations offered incense, flowers and gifts to commemorate the founders of the nation.
Following are some images of teh ceremony.


Guard team at ceremony.
Offering flowers and gifts to Hung Kings.


Square glutinous rice cake, indispensable offering at Hung Kings’s Death Anniversary.


Receiving incense to offer to Hung Kings.


Numerous people attend the ceremony.


Many Youth Union members and pupils in Nha Trang City come to pay tribute to Hung Kings.
Foreign tourists also attend the ceremony.